Make Accounts Payable Profitable with Automated Invoice Processing Automation
As businesses leverage the latest developments in technology to cut their operational costs, one common concern among account payable organisations is to reduce the expense associated with invoice processing. While manual data entry and murky AP processes make operations slow and error-prone, automating AP processes can accelerate invoice cycles and cut costs.
Xeratek Document Solutions offers Kofax AP Agility™ as an automated accounts payable software that, combined with Kofax Invoice Processing (IP) Agility™, enables organisations to shift from manual AP operations to a more profitable and productive system. The software is capable of handling both PO and non-PO invoices and capturing both online and offline invoices.
By capturing greater amounts of data per invoice and reducing invoice processing cycles, the Kofax software enables your organisation to significantly reduce invoice processing costs.
Process Any Kind of Invoice
Kofax AP Agility™ can process both PO and non-PO invoices, whether they are received through scan, email, fax, and in any digital format, such as TIF, PDF, XML, CSV, and more. Upon receiving an invoice, the software automatically processes it without delay.
Improve Accuracy and Reduce Processing Time
Kofax AP Agility™ can boost your AP department’s efficiency by automating data entry. It also brings employees from various departments together to use a single streamlined AP solution that ensures consistency of operations throughout the organization.
Automate Invoice Processing With Any Kind of ERP
Kofax AP Agility™ is a highly adaptive software that can integrate with any number of ERPs utilised by your organisation.
Earn a Quick Return On Investment
Kofax AP Agility™ features smart capture capabilities, automated workflow, flexible ERP integration, and actionable analytics, which significantly reduces AP processing times and costs.